8 March 2025
Pork with orange juice and corn fritters - recipe - photo: evelyn

Pork with orange juice and corn fritters

120 min. total time

Ingredients for 2 portions

300 g Schweinefleisch (mager, frisch oder TK)
400 g Orangensaft
5 g Hühnersuppe (Kraftbouillon)
1 Stk Ei (Größe S)
1 l Frittieröl
6 EL Sonnenblumenöl
4 Stk Peperoni (rot, lang, mild, süß-sauer eingelegt)

Zutaten für die Maisfritters

250 g Maiskörner (Dosenware)
1 Stk Ei (Größe S)
40 g Kokosmilch (24% Fettgehalt)
1 TL Hühnersuppe (Kraftbouillon)
1 Prise Muskatnuss (frisch gerieben)
50 g Mehl (Typ 550)
50 g Karotte
1 Prise Salz

Zutaten für die Sauce

  1. Rinse the pork, dry it, and cut it into pieces about 4 cm in size. Heat the orange juice, dissolve the chicken broth in it, and add the meat pieces. Let simmer covered for 75 minutes. Stir occasionally. After an hour, remove the lid and let the broth reduce slightly.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the batter for the corn fritters. Strain the corn kernels from the can and weigh them. Crack the egg, separate the yolk and egg white. Put one-third of the corn kernels together with the coconut milk, egg yolk, nutmeg, and chicken broth in a blender. Blend on high speed for 30 seconds until smooth. Add the flour to the puree and mix on low speed until homogeneously combined into a thick batter. Wash, peel, and dice a piece of carrot into small cubes about 2 to 3 mm in size. Beat the egg white with salt until stiff peaks form. Mix together with the carrot cubes and remaining corn kernels into the batter. Cover and refrigerate.
  3. For the sauce, remove the stems from the tomatoes, wash, peel, cut into quarters lengthwise, remove the green-white stem and seeds. Cut the quarters into small cubes about 5 mm in size. Grate the washed ginger finely. Weigh the frozen ingredients beforehand. Press the peeled garlic into a paste.
  4. Strain the cooked pork and let it drain well. Use 100 g of the broth for the sauce. Mix in the tomato cubes, ginger, and garlic. Dissolve the tapioca flour in the rice wine and add to the mixture. Let the sauce simmer for 2 minutes, then keep warm.
  5. Halve the avocado lengthwise around the pit. Leave the pit in the unused half. Brush all cut surfaces with lemon juice. Score the outer skin and peel it off. Remove any blemishes, etc. Brush the exposed outer side with lemon juice. Wrap the unused half in foil and store in the refrigerator.
  6. Cut the avocado flesh into pieces about 8 mm in size and immediately mix into the sauce. Trim the onions at both ends, peel, roughly chop, and also mix into the sauce. Season the sauce with salt and white pepper, freshly ground from the mill.
  7. Crack the egg, separate the yolk and egg white. Whisk the egg white with salt and mix into the meat cubes. Use the egg yolk elsewhere. Heat the frying oil to 210 degrees Celsius.
  8. In a larger pan, heat 3 tbsp of sunflower oil. Spoon the corn batter into the pan in 5 portions and spread out into flat pancakes. Cook until golden brown on both sides. Remove, drain on kitchen paper, and fry the 2nd portion in another 3 tbsp of sunflower oil.
  9. Strain the meat pieces and fry in 2 portions (for about 20 seconds) until golden brown. Place the corn fritters on serving plates. Add the meat cubes and pour over the sauce. Garnish with tomatoes or pickled peppers, serve and enjoy.

Nutrition score


64,66 g

61,24 g

65,92 g

120 min. total time | 30 min. preparation time | 90 min. cook & rest time

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2 Stk Tomaten (mittelgroß)
10 g Ingwer (fein gerieben, frisch oder TK)
10 g Knoblauchzehen (frisch)