11 March 2025
Pork chop with spring onion brunch sauce - recipe - photo: tiger

Pork chop with spring onion brunch sauce

25 min. total time

Ingredients for 3 portions

6 Schb Schweine-Karreeschnitzel
1 Bund Jungzwiebeln
3 EL Brunch Kräuter od. Zwiebel-Speck
600 ml Suppe
1 Msp Senf
2 EL Mehl
2 EL Öl
1 Prise Salz
1 Prise Pfeffer


  1. Season the pork chops with salt and pepper and sear on both sides in a pan with oil over high heat. Then remove the chops from the pan and keep warm.
  2. Sear the thinly sliced spring onions in the same pan, add a pinch of mustard, dust with some flour, and deglaze with the broth.
  3. Season the sauce to taste with salt and pepper. Then stir in Brunch herbs or Brunch onion-bacon (depending on preference). Add the seared chops and let simmer gently for about 10 minutes over low heat.

Nutrition score


7,64 g

3,61 g

14,32 g

25 min. total time | 15 min. preparation time | 10 min. cook & rest time

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